
Five ways to reduce work stress

After a very rough day at work, all you probably have in mind is the sweet comfort of your bed or the relaxing taste of good food and washing it down with the wine you love so much. All of a sudden, you are stuck in a long traffic.
This is when you begin to feel the pain that has encamped round your body, from your neck to your back and most times your head. At this point all you feel is the pain of a stressful day.
Here are some tips on how to reduce stress at work:
First plan of the day is to take breakfast. It is the most important meal of every living day. Make a plan for the day, write out a to-do-list and how you plan on going about it. Proper planning would eventually make your work easier and as well as reduce multitasking, a plan would help put you in check so that you don’t miss a thing. This is a very easy way to roll of stress at work.
Discoveries have shown that conflicts have a high tendency of having a negative effect on a person’s physical and emotional health. It is best to avoid conflicts with co-workers. However, in a situation where you find yourself involved in any form of conflict, do not act in a way that would escalate the whole issue but deal with it the right way, settle things amicably. Also stay clear of colleagues who like to fight, argue or gossip, do not get involved in any altercation at work. This would help reduce the stress at work.
Always bring something to the table. There would always be pressure from bosses on those who offer nothing or add little significance to the growth of their organisation and it’s business. Be creative, think and keep thinking of something different that would be of great benefit to your organisation, be at the top of your game. Being recognised among the top players would reduce or fully eradicate any form of pressure from your bosses at work. This would help you feel relaxed at work thereby relieving your body and mind of stress while at work.
Another effective way to release stress at work is by doing the simplest form of exercise which is ‘walking’. During your tea break, smoke break, lunch break and any time you are free, stretch your body a bit, take walks round the block or round your office if convenient. Do not stay in one position for the whole day, sit in a relaxed position when working, do not strain or put pressure on your body. If a particular position is uncomfortable, change your position. Th I would ease your body off all tension.
Science and other studies have proven that Music has the ability to calm people, it has a relaxing effect on the mind. Listen to music often, when at work or on your way home. You can decide to play that song that excites you the most, that causes your body to come alive with those beautiful moves you probably have, this would induce a sparkle of joy and calmness thereby relieving the body of stress. This would also help to put you in a better mood.