
Osinbajo laments religious, ethnic bias in Nigeria


Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has expressed concern about allegations of marginalization or discrimination on account of religion or ethnicity in Nigeria.

He told leaders not to overlook the matter, adding that the continuous pursuit of Nigeria’s unity includes ensuring justice, equity and fairness for all segments of society.

Osinbajo spoke on Friday while delivering the Convocation Lecture of the Sokoto State University.

The VP emphasized that political, ethnic and religious leaders must educate citizens about the need to live together.

He said unity has manifest expression in communities where Nigerians from diverse backgrounds are commingling, trading, partnering, inter-marrying and blending in various ways.

Osinbajo noted that the people live in a complex web of multi-layered social, cultural, economic and political synergies playing out in every sector of individual and national lives.

He said despite the scale of the challenges facing us, unravelling the web of commonality as proposed by enthusiasts of disintegration is a cure that is worse than the disease.

“This is why we must understand that even though managing diversity can be politically and administratively onerous, diversity itself is an economic strength and harnessing it properly is hugely rewarding”, the VP added.

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