
Cross River community laments disappearance of NDDC donated transformer, alleges fraud


The Esierebom Community in Calabar South Local Government Area in Cross River State has been thrown into darkness over lack of electricity.

The Community also lamented the disappearance of a 300KVA transformer donated to them by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) over a year ago

The Village Head of Esierebom Community, Chief Bassey Ekeng had admitted receiving the transformer on behalf of the community in 2020 from the NDDC for installation in the area

A year later, the transformer is yet to be installed and community members are now claiming it is missing, lamenting that the whereabouts of the transformer is known.

But the Village Head said the possibility of installing the transformer was slim, “There is no hope of installation, NDDC that brought it has not done anything.

“All the process of installing it is futile, the money contributed by the community was used for the poles and the money Port Harcourt Distribution Company asked us to pay is enormous.

“As a community, we cannot afford that more so at this current economic situation. Again the contractor that handled the work has not been paid” he stated.

Chief OKon Etim an indigene, had earlier explained that “When the transformer was delivered, he saw it and we were happy but the happiness did not last. We were asked to contribute N10, 000 each, we are more than 50 houses and what we now saw was the installation of electric poles.

“We didn’t see the transformer neither has anybody briefed us how much was collected, what it was used for, what is left and the whereabouts of the transformer.

“We call on the NDDC to investigate the whereabouts of the transformer, why was it not installed a year after it was denoted especially when some persons reportedly are contractors of NDDC were seen but soon disappeared” he alleged.

Okoro Bassey another indigene also lamented that the last heavy rain and thunderstorm broke some poles in the area and called on members representing the area in the Senate, Gershom Henshaw and representative in the House of Reps, Essien Ayi to come to the rescue of the community.

“We need N100, 000 to buy two poles and accessories, the community is thickly populated but lacks financial strength. We have the manpower to elect people and we elected these people, let them come and assist us” she pleaded.

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