
No abducted female Bethel Baptist High School student killed - Rev. Hayab


The Kaduna State Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, has refuted the alleged killing of three out of the abducted female students of Bethel Baptist High School by bandits.

Rev. John Joseph Hayab, State Chairman of CAN, explained that all the kidnapped students are in good condition contrary to reports of molestation and killing.

He added that contrary to misinformation, the parents and other stakeholders are always in touch with the kidnappers, who confirmed to them that the affected students are all doing fine in their custody.

Rev. Hayab vehemently denied any form of rape and killing of any student by the kidnappers, saying that the fake news is sad and expressed dismay at why would fabricate such lies.

According to the CAN state chairman, “There is nothing like that. We are in contact with the bandits. The girls are doing fine, and none has been killed so far. If it is a wish, we pray that wish will never come true.”

He assured that negotiation is currently going on between the parents, stakeholders and the bandits over the ransom to be paid for the release of the remaining 120 students.

The Chairman explained that the challenge they have now is the demands the bandits are making on them, stressing that the ransom is outrageous, but negotiations are ongoing.

Rev. Hayab further explained that they have not paid one kobo as ransom, “apart from the food stuff we contributed and gave the bandits for the feeding of the children.”

He urged the kidnappers to have compassion on the students and their parents and appealed that they should know that the parents are poor with some of them jobless and could not even meet the demands of paying school fees.

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