
Pharmacists to drive campaign for vaccine acceptance in Kaduna


The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) has promised to contribute its quota in building public confidence on the acceptance of vaccines, following apathy against the vaccine for the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

This was disclosed at a media briefing on Saturday, September 18, 2021, by the PSN Kaduna State chairman, Pharm (Mrs). Talatu Uwa

Uwa said as trusted partners of Nigeria, the association aims to contribute progressively to the well-being of the Kaduna people.

“That is why one of our Sub-themes for this year’s public lecture is on Building public trust in vaccines safety and efficacy.

“This, we think will help in educating the public to overcome vaccine hesitancy. We will also exhibit our trust by ensuring that our services are of the best practices as pharmacists,” PSN said.

She explained that the briefing was part of the activities to kick-start this year’s World Pharmacist Day.

“As you are aware, the day is observed across the world every September 25th annually.

“This day is celebrated by Pharmacists to promote their commitment to organize activities that promote and advocate for the role of the pharmacists in improving the healthy well-being of the people,” she said.

The PSN Chairman said Pharmacists play a significant role and are still doing more during the COVID-19 pandemic, explaining that this year’s theme: “Pharmacy: Always trusted for your health” is very important because it is a central part of all human relationships and a fundamental element of social capital.

“Trust is also essential to health care because there is a significant association between trust in healthcare professionals and Health outcomes for patients.

“We as pharmacists have constantly been named among top five most trusted professionals in National survey.

“You may wish to ask why we are trusted, the answer is not far-fetched, we are trusted because of our positive relationships, competency, expertise and consistency which are very important,” she added.

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