A Police patrol team led by the Divisional Police Officer, DPO in Sapele, CSP Harrison Nwabusi have arrested a twenty-five-year-old suspected armed robber, Liyo Okiri with one locally made pistol, two live cartridges and one expanded cartridge.
The suspect was part of a two-man armed robbery gang who were allegedly operating at No.6 power close Okirigbaga in Sapele.
This is coming as one other suspect escaped from the scene.
The Delta State Police Command led by CP Ari Muhammed Ali confirmed the report in a statement signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe.
The Police image maker said, “Manhunt for the other suspect is ongoing.”
He said the suspect was arrested based on a distress call that a two-man armed robbery gang were operating at No.6 power close Okirigbaga in Sapele.
According to DSP Edafe, “Consequently, The DPO Sapele Division, CSP Harrison Nwabusi detailed and led police patrol teams to the scene, the team upon arrival cordoned the area and laid an ambush.”