
Remove Sanusi, Tella now or we take it to EFCC, APC members write Adamu over embezzlement in Ogun APC

A fresh crisis is brewing in the Ogun State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) as members of the party have petitioned its National Chairman, Abdulaih Adamu to investigate the Ogun State Executive for alleged corruption and embezzlement.

Two members of the party, Idowu Olaonipekun Quadri from Owode Ward 1 and Ayinde Suuru Bababunmi from Ifohintedo Ward petitioned the National body of the party alleging that the Chairman of Ogun APC, Chief Yemi Sanusi, and his Secretary, Aderibigbe Tella have been diverting money meant for the running of the party into their personal accounts.

The petitioners also copied Governor Dapo Abiodun, former Governor Chief Olusegun Osoba, all Senators and other leaders of the party.

The aggrieved members in the petition dated Wednesday, September 7, 2022 called on Governor Abiodun to initiate move to probe the Executive of the party.

They threatened to drag the executive of the State before the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) if the National body fails to investigate them

The petition reads partly, "We the undersigned write your good office intimate you of unpleasant development bothering on financial improprieties by the State Chairman, Chief Yemi Sanusi and State executive members of our great party, APC in Ogun state.

"On 13th day of August 2022, a detailed and an embarrassing news went viral on social media highlighting suspicious financial dealings by Chief Yemi Sanusi and some other state executive members of our party.

"The release contains direct withdrawal by the state secretary, direct credit transfer to the state chairman and organizing secretary personal account from the party's account number 0122892910 and 0123390468 with Wema bank in Abeokuta.

"The governor and leader of the party is adequately and regularly funding all activities of the party including monthly release of seven million naira (#7,000,000) for the chairman, state executives and secretariat staff salaries.

"The state executives have never released a dime to any local government, ward for meetings or any other activity.

"The functions of the state financial secretary and treasurer are clearly slated in articles 14.6 (i-iv) and 14.8 (i-iv) of our constitution. The caball within the executive abrogated these provisions and took over these functions in flagrant disregards to the provision of our party constitution.

"We also wish to inform you that having seen the news on social media, the chairman and his cabal are currently planning a proposed renovation of the party secretariate as a cover up for their fraudulent act. This will further compound the issues and a clear act of being clever by half as logical and objective questions would be raised.

"Sir, in the light of above, it is of utmost necessity for your office to beam a searchlight on this ugly development. Our party is proudly one with zero tolerance to corruption. Our President and leader of the party is globally recognized and as model in anti-corruption crusade.

"It is therefore imperative that you take proactive actions to further reinvigorate these noble ideals of our great party and that of Mr. President before the general public as a disciplined party.

"As the 2023 general elections draw nearer, our party must be a doer of what it preaches." 

The aggrieved APC members however demanded that the national body conduct a detailed investigation with a view to establishing the genuineness or otherwise of the allegations.

They further stressed,"the National body should determine the appropriateness of the beneficiaries of the withdrawals and transfers.

"The National body should determine whether the treasurer and the financial secretary were allowed to discharge the functions of their offices as provided in the party's constitution. Establish the purpose for which the withdrawals were made.

"Adamu-led executive should apply appropriate and commensurate sanctions to any of the officer found wanting.

"Our dear chairman Sir, while we understand and appreciate your workload, we humbly wish to appeal for a two-week passionate consideration of this letter and the prayers contained herein.

"While we are not unaware of the option of reporting to anti-graft agencies, It is out of our respect and believe in your leadership and genuine love for our great party that, that shall be considered as a painful secondary route.

"As you lead our great party towards victory in 2023 and beyond, we besiege Allmighty God to grant you wisdom, knowledge and good health in accomplishing the great tasks before you."

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