
Press Week: Journalists embark on clean up in Enugu


The Enugu State Correspondents’ Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) on Thursday engaged in clean-up of Enugu, to commemorate its 2022 Press Week activities.

The exercise, which started at Obiagu Road and got across to other areas of the State, lasted for hours as members of the chapel cleaned up gutters and waste dump sites.

After the exercise, the Chapel’s Chairman, Mr Lawrence Njoku, said the members embarked on the clean-up to pass a message to the citizens.

He advised residents of the state to always bag their waste and avoid litering the streets and the waste dump sites.

“Bagging the waste well will help the evacuators in carrying out their duties with ease and eradicate spread of diseases in the state.

“We engaged in the exercise to let the residents know that they are expected to keep their environment clean and to dump their waste well at the dump site,” he said.

According to him, we are doing this to keep the enviroment clean and this is one of our programmes for the press week.

He said that after the exercise, “we are going to visit some orphanages and give to them food and other items.

“We are not doing this because we are buoyant but to see if we can put smiles on the faces of little children.

“On Oct. 14, tommorow, (Friday) we are going to have a lecture whereby the general masses are invited and some personalities who have given much to humanity will be recognised”.

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