
MOUAU vows to expel students over cultism


Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, has declared zero tolerance for cultism and other acts of indiscipline by students.

The Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof Maduebibisi Ofor Iwe gave the warning on Saturday during the 29th Matriculation ceremony of the University.

The VC said that the matriculation is for the 2021/2022 academic year, disclosing that a total of 6,802 students were admitted so far for the academic year.

He warned the fresh students that their admissions would be withdrawn if they go against the extant rules of the school.

He specifically cautioned against cultism, examination malpractice and indecent dressings.

Iwe lamented the effects of cultism on the Nigerian educational system but noted that the school had produced some books against cultism which shall be made available to the students to help them understand the dangers of cultism.

The Vice Chancellor used the occasion to advise any new student who was in cultism to immediately renounce it or risk being thrown away from the tertiary institution.

“It is imperative to make it abundantly clear to the freshmen and women, that anyone of you who allows himself/herself to be lured and initiated into cult groups shall be shown his/her way out of the University.

“Furthermore, if you were initiated before you arrived here, you have an opportunity to totally renounce cultism and repudiate it today”, Iwe warned the fresh students.

He further informed the students and their parents that the University had strived to maintain its core mandates in integrated and coordinated agricultural education in Nigeria as well as helping the country to be self-sufficient in food and fiber production.,

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